September Trestleboard

So much has happened this summer, some good and some challenging. At Grand Lodge Annual Communication, Tuality was awarded the 1st place prize in the 2019 Ritual Competition. All Tuality Brothers in attendance were invited to the stage for the presentation.

The exterior work on the Lodge building is now complete, many thanks to the various Brothers that oversaw the work. There are many painting tasks that remain, so a work party will be scheduled to move that forward. Please remember our yearly assessment that helps to off-set the cost of our various renovations.

As fall months are quickly upon us, Tuality has several new Masons that will be progressing through the degrees as well as a few new potential candidates. Expect a flurry of investigations and potential degrees. Our fraternity continues to garner interest from the community, and I am grateful.

July Masonic Birthdays: WB Surrett, Bro Brewer, Bro Imbrie
September Masonic birthdays: Bro. Blachly, Bro Grant, WB Hellman, PM Ludlam, Bro Surratt, WB White and WB Wills.

Fraternally, WM Thorvaldson

Important Dates:
Saturday, Sept 21st: 10am – Officer’s Meeting
Saturday, Nov 16th. Thanksgiving Dinner (Time TBD)